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Entire Master Symphony Trilogy on Audible
Keith A. Robinson has firmly established himself in his newest venture as a professional audiobook narrator. In addition to narrating novels for other Christian authors, such as Bryan Davis and Parker J. Cole, Mr. Robinson has now completed his entire Master Symphony Trilogy.
The audiobooks feature computer-enhanced effects such as echo, pitch alteration, reverb, etc. In addition, it includes original music composed by R.F. Dunham.
They can be purchased as digital downloads from our store HERE.
As a bonus, Robinson's first novel, Logic's End, is also available on Audible HERE. This audiobook was recorded years ago and was Robinson's first narration. It also contains computer-enhanced effects.
Hardcover Editions of
Origins and Master Symphony Trilogies
Hardcover editions of Keith A. Robinson's Origins Trilogy are now available featuring the new cover designs!
Hardcover editions for his Master Symphony Trilogy are also available. Visit our store HERE to purchase!
New Covers for the
Origins Trilogy
After more than 10 years in print, books 2 and 3 of Keith A. Robinson's
Origins Trilogy have now received updated covers. Click below to see the new covers, designed by Christian Bentulan.
Matt. 13:34
Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.
1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
Click HERE to read an online article by Keith A. Robinson on the Power of Apologetics Fiction.
Click HERE to read an excellent article explaining the importance of Apologetics Fiction written by Justin Robert Wright.
Apologetics comes from the Greek word apologia, meaning: an apology, as in defense or justification of a belief, idea, etc.
The Random House Dictionary defines apologetics as: the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity.
Many Christians throughout the centuries, from Thomas Aquinas and Justin Martyr, to C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel, have written numerous works demonstrating time and again how orthodox Christianity makes sense of the world and is based upon historical, scientific, and logical grounds.
While these works are powerful and convincing, there are many people who, for one reason or another, are not interested in reading non-fiction books.
Therefore, we at Apologetics Fiction.com feel called to take the amazing truths and arguments that support the Christian faith and repackage them in action/adventure fictional novels.
Although we know that our stories are limited in their ability to present complete and exhaustive arguments, it is our goal to whet the appetite of the reader. For example, a young person who is initially disinterested in reading a non-fiction book on the archeological proofs supporting the Bible may change his/her mind after reading a fictional story that brings the topic to life.
Furthermore, well-designed stories have a way of grabbing our imaginations and helping us to remember what we learned. A good analogy can go far in teaching a specific idea, and a good story can forever ingrain a truth in our minds and spirits.
The ultimate teacher himself, Jesus, used stories and parables to present the truths of the gospel. We hope to merely emulate his example for His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom.
This site is designed to highlight the work of several authors who are dedicated to writing this type of fictional novel.
Soli Deo Gloria